We use MODIFY_REQUEST_EXPR_REQUESTCPUS and MODIFY_REQUEST_EXPR_REQUESTMEMORY to give out chunks of 1 CPU and 4 GB of memory on our machines. For example, if a submit file lists
request_cpus = 2
request_memory = 14000
then the job will get 4 CPUs and 16 GB.
This is reflected in the machine ad:
$ jobid=1235.0; condor_status -const GlobalJobId==\"$(condor_q $jobid -af GlobalJobId)\" -af JobId Cpus Memory
1235.0 4 16384
but not in the job ad or in the job history.
I've tried using
job_machine_attrs = Cpus, Memory, TotalSlotCpus, TotalSlotMemory
These are the attributes in the machine ad which contain the values I want, but the Cpus and Memory attributes reflect the requested amounts, and TotalSlotCpus and TotalSlotMemory are the values for the single partitionable slot.
Is there any way to do this?