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**** WORKS 2016 Workshop ****
Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science
Monday, 14 November 2016, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Held in conjunction with SC16 The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis
****************************************Call For Participation
2:00-2:05Â Welcome
Session A "Workflows and Optimization"
2:05-2:35Â David Abramson. Using Scientific Workflows for Science and
Engineering Optimisation (invited keynote talk)
2:35-3:00Â Bruno Silva, Marco Netto and Renato Cunha. SLA-aware Interactive
Workflow Assistant for HPC Parameter Sweeping Experiments.
3:00-3:30Â Coffee Break
Session B.1 "Automation of Workflows"
3:30-3:55Â Rafael Ferreira Da Silva, Rosa Filgueira, Ewa Deelman, Erola
Pairo-Castineira, Ian Michael Overton and Malcolm Atkinson. Using Simple
PID Controllers to Prevent and Mitigate Faults in Scientific Workflows.
3:55-4:20Â Maciej Malawski. Towards Serverless Execution of Scientific
Workflows - HyperFlow Case Study.
Session B.2 "Advancing data-intensive workflows"
4:20-4:45Â Tong Shu and Chase Wu. Energy-efficient Mapping of Big DataÂWorkflows under Deadline Constraints.
4:45-5:10Â Renan Souza, Vitor Silva, Alvaro L G A Coutinho, PatrickÂValduriez and Marta Mattoso. Online Input Data Reduction in ScientificÂWorkflows.
5:10-5:15Â Silvina Caino-Lores, Andrei Lapin, Peter Kropf and JesusÂCarretero. Lessons Learned from Applying Big Data Paradigms to Large Scale
Scientific Workflows. (lightning talk)
5:15-5:20Â Vitor Silva, Leonardo Neves, Renan Souza, Alvaro Coutinho,ÂDaniel de Oliveira and Marta Mattoso. Integrating domain-data steering withÂcode-profiling tools to debug data-intensive workflows. (lightning talk)
5:20-5:25Â Raffaele Montella, Alison Brizius, Diana Di Luccio, CherylÂPorter, Joshua Elliot, Ravi Madduri, David Kelly, Angelo Riccio and IanÂFoster.ÂApplications of the FACE-IT data science portal and workflow engine forÂoperational food quality prediction and assessment: mussel farm monitoringÂin the Bay of Napoli (Italy). (lightning talk)
5:25-5:30Â Christopher Daley, Devarshi Ghoshal, Glenn Lockwood, SudipÂDosanjh, Lavanya Ramakrishnan and Nicholas Wright. PerformanceÂCharacterization of Scientific Workflows for the Optimal Use of BurstÂBuffers. (lightning talk)