Subject: [HTCondor-users] Putting output and error files in output-transferred subdirectory?
Hi folks,
We're working through a conversion of legacy Grid
Engine job submission scripts which had originally had essentially a s/qsub/condor_submit/g
done to them, to take advantage of the full range of HTCondor capabilities.
The new 8.4 features with "queue from" allow us to massively
simplify the submissions, eliminating nearly all submit-side scripting.
This leaves us with some legacy considerations, however.
The output of each run in a batch goes into a numbered subdirectory, and
the stdout of the executable has always been found in that subdirectory
as a "screen_out.txt" file.
However, we can't do this:
output = dir_$(Process)/screen_out.txt
... because condor_submit wants the directory where
the output file is going to go to exist already, and I'd rather allow the
output transfer to create the directory rather than having to stage all
the output subdirectories before submitting the job - that's way too "Grid
Engine" for my tastes.
Any suggestions? Maybe an output transfer remap? Though
output and error aren't really under that umbrella, are they? Or a PostCmd
to move the scratch directory's "_condor_stdout" into the subdirectory
which would then be covered by the output transfer list?