Great! Thanks very much for your help with that. I
really do need to get a better handle on C++ - I've been meaning to do so
for the past 25 years now, it's embarrassing to admit.
> One thing I noticed is that you check to see
> JobCurrentStartExecutingDate is defined, but then use
> JobCurrentStartDate in the "if" experession. Not sure if
> intentional (since if JCSED is defined, JCSD certainly *should* be).
Yep, I noticed that moments after I sent out the e-mail
- d'oh!
I had started off using JobCurrentStartDate, but then
when I was hammering condor_q while testing I must have hit just the fraction
of a second where the job had started and was working through
setting up the scratch directory and what have you but hadn't started running
the exe yet, so JobCurrentStartDate was set but JobCurrentStartExecutingDate
wasn't, leading to my change in the ifThenElse() statement
that went out half- finished.
One of our pools has a set of jobs dispatched by BuildBot
which use a prepare-job hook to extract a transferred build tarball
into the scratch directory, so there's usually a bit of a delta between
the two values there.