31st IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium May 29 â June 2, 2017 Orlando, Florida USA Call release: December 14th, 2016. For more details see: http://www.ipdps.org -------------------------------------------------- STUDENT MENTORING PROGRAM -------------------------------------------------- The annual IPDPS PhD Forum event will continue with the traditional poster presentations by students working toward a PhD in broadly defined areas related to parallel and distributed processing. In addition, continuing the program initiated in 2014, there will be a broader, enhanced program to include several evening and lunch-time sessions to provide the student participants coaching in scientific writing and presentation skills. Participating students will have the opportunity to both present their research work and interact with senior academic and industry people in an informal setting. In addition, there will be mentoring sessions to help students improve communication skills, obtain valuable information for career planning, get familiar with a few of the trendy research topics, and make valuable contacts â all while enjoying the IPDPS main conference and many associated workshops. *** Planned Program *** The Student Research Program will be scheduled so that the participating students can follow all the main scientific and social events of the conference, and it is open to all students, including the authors of papers presented at the conference. Tuesday (morning break): Introduction and icebreakers Tuesday (lunchtime): Workshop on poster presentation skills Wednesday (lunchtime): Panel on research and career planning Wednesday (evening): Poster Session & Banquet (poster awards presented) Thursday (morning break): Student feedback and program evaluation Thursday (lunchtime): Workshop on paper writing and presentation skills Thursday (evening): Student Social Event See program description here: http://www.ipdps.org/ipdps2017/2017_phd_forum.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPDPS 2017 PhD Forum - CALL FOR APPLICATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Because the 2017 IPDPS PhD Forum will emphasize interactive activities and offer mentoring-coaching support, the Applicant Statement of Interest will be as important as the poster proposal in the selection process. Applicant students must be officially enrolled in a PhD Program at the time of submission, and each submission MUST be backed by a specific endorsement from the official PhD advisor(s). *** What to Submit *** We refer to http://www.ipdps.org/ipdps2017/2017_phd_forum.html for detailed instructions on the application. *** When to Submit *** The goal is to accept as many applications as our capacity allows, but the availability of our resources, including travel support, will limit the number of participants in the program. To be fair, we will employ a âfirst-come-first-servedâ approach, with a rolling selection process to be used until the capacity is reached, based on the following schedule: Application received by ====> Acceptance notice will be sent by 15 January 2017 ====> 30 January 2017 15 February 2017 ====> 30 February 2017 29 February 2017 ====> 7 March 2017 *** Review of Applications *** A committee drawn from the IPDPS community and representative of the different areas of research that the conference embraces will review the applications in concert with the PhD Forum co-chairs. By submitting an application, the student is making a commitment to prepare and present a poster at the conference. ------------------------------------------ STUDENT TRAVEL SUPPORT ------------------------------------------ To encourage participation in the Student Research Program, PhD Forum participants (those who have a poster accepted for presentation) who are IEEE members are eligible for travel grants and discounted registration fees. (Discounted registration fee does not apply to students who are the sole registered author of a paper being presented in the main conference or workshops.) *** NSF Funding for US-based Students *** Funds for travel support have been provided by the US National Science Foundation (NSF). This funding is available only for full time students attending US colleges and universities. Underrepresented minority and women students from diverse US institutions are particularly encouraged to apply. Although student authors may be given priority for travel awards, this is not a requirement. *** TCPP Travel Grants for All Student Authors *** All participants in the IPDPS PhD Forum will be eligible for TCPP travel grants made available to all student authors at the conference. Note that all student attendees must have registered to be eligible for support and must be members of IEEE. Student travel grants are available in the form of reimbursements that are sent only after the completion of the conference and receipt of all required documentation and receipts. Please note that the IPDPS PhD Forum may not be able to reimburse students for all travel expenses due to limited budget. Eligible expenses for reimbursement include hotel and transportation (flight, bus or train). Expenses that are not eligible for reimbursement include registration, taxi and meals. The reimbursement amount will be based on the number of awards made and distance traveled. Details of all travel support that will be available to all students will be announced in February 2017. STUDENT PARTICIPATION CHAIRS Trilce Estrada (University of New Mexico, USA - estrada@xxxxxxxxxx) Jay Lofstead (Sandia National Laboratories, USA - gflofst@xxxxxxxxxx) *** Questions? *** Any questions should be addressed to both chairs to ensure the quickest response. -------------------------------------- IPDPS 2017 WORKSHOPS -------------------------------------- The IPDPS 2017 workshops listed below will be held on Monday, May 29th and Friday, June 2nd. IPDPS workshops provide an extended forum that allows the IPDPS community an opportunity to fully explore special topics and to present work that is more preliminary and cutting-edge or that has more practical content than the more mature research presented in the main symposium. Proceedings of the workshops are distributed at the conference and are submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library after the conference. PLEASE NOTE Each workshop has its own requirements and schedule for submissions and all are linked from this page. Submission deadlines for most are after January 8, 2017, the conference notification date. IPDPS ROUNDTABLE WORKSHOPS â 2ND ANNUAL EVENT! These condensed workshops, organized and animated by a few people, will be held on Tuesday and Thursday in a âroundtableâ setting designed to promote one-on-one interaction. They will focus on an emerging area of interest to IPDPS attendees, especially topics that complement and âround outâ the areas covered by the regular workshops. Proposals to conduct a Roundtable Workshop may be submitted after January 1, 2017. Return to this Webpage for details. TWENTY-FOUR WORKSHOPS PLANNED FOR IPDPS 2017 IN ORLANDO Below is the list of 24 workshops planned for 2017 in Orlando. For the most up to date information on each workshop, follow the link from this page. Note that all workshops have their own Web sites and may make changes in their submission requirements and due dates so please check the website for that workshop from the link below. Dates below valid as of December 12, 2017. IPDPS WORKSHOPS MONDAY 29 MAY 2017 (with deadlines, the * means "abstract due") HCW Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop 16 JAN 2017 RAW Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop 11 JAN 2017* HiComb High Performance Computational Biology 30 JAN 2017 EduPar NSF/TCPP W. on Parallel and Distributed Computing Education 6 JAN 2017* ParLearning Parallel and Distributed Computing for Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics 13 JAN 2017 PDCO Parallel / Distributed Computing and Optimization 21 DEC 2016 GABB Graph Algorithms Building Blocks 15 JAN 2017 AsHES Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems 13 JAN 2017 HIPS High Level Programming Models and Supporting Environments 29 JAN 2017 APDCM Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models 15 JAN 2017 HPPAC High-Performance, Power-Aware Computing 29 JAN 2017 HPBDC High-Performance Big Data Computing 10 JAN 2017* IPDPS WORKSHOPS FRIDAY 2 JUNE 2017 (with deadlines, the * means "abstract due") CHIUW Chapel Implementers and Users Workshop 20 JAN 2017 LSPP Large-Scale Parallel Processing: Practices and Experiences 16 JAN 2017 PDSEC Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing 13 JAN 2017 JSSPP Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processors Proposal 1 FEB 2017 DPDNS Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-centric Systems 31 DEC 2016 IPDRM Emerging Parallel and Distributed Runtime Systems and Middleware 29 JAN 2017 iWAPT International Workshop on Automatic Performance Tunings 19 DEC 2016 ParSocial Parallel and Distributed Processing for Computational Social System 16 JAN 2017 BigDataEco Big Data Regional Innovation Hubs and Spokes: Accelerating the Big Data Innovation Ecosystem NA GraML Graph Algorithms and Machine Learning 27 JAN 2017 EMBRACE Evolvable Methods for Benchmarking Realism and Community Engagement 6 JAN 2017* REPPAR Reproducibility in Parallel Computing 13 JAN 2017 WORKSHOPS CHAIR and VICE-CHAIR | workshops@xxxxxxxxx Bora UÃar (CNRS and ENS Lyon, France) Erik Saule (University of North Carolina Charlotte, USA) WORKSHOPS PROCEEDINGS CHAIR and VICE-CHAIR Ramachandran Vaidyanathan (Louisiana State University, USA) Kyle Chard (University of Chicago, USA) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/IPDPS ...Follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/IPDPS ...Follow us on Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8550095 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Parallel Processing In cooperation with ACM SIGARCH, ACM SIGHPC; IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Computer Architecture, and IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Distributed Processing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |