Hi,In our website, we use HTCondor as our job submission system. We use Drupal for our site and an Apache server.Recently we upgraded our server from RHEL6 to RHEL7 and I installed the newest stable version of HTCondor (8.4.5 from 8.0.6). When submitting jobs through the terminal, everything works correctly. However, when letting Drupal submit the jobs (as the Apache user), I get this error:04/01/16 10:29:23 (pid:21220) authenticate_self_gss: acquiring self credentials failed. Please check your Condor configuration file if this is a server process. Or the user environment variable if this is a user process.GSS Major Status: General failureGSS Minor Status Error Chain:globus_gsi_gssapi: Error with GSI credentialglobus_gsi_gssapi: Error with gss credential handleglobus_credential: Valid credentials could not be found in any of the possible locations specified by the credential search order.Valid credentials could not be found in any of the possible locations specified by the credential search order.Attempt 1globus_credential: Error reading host credentialglobus_sysconfig: Could not find a valid certificate file: The host cert could not be found in:1) env. var. X509_USER_CERT2) /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem3) $GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/hostcert.pem4) $HOME/.globus/hostcert.pemThe host key could not be found in:1) env. var. X509_USER_KEY2) /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem3) $GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/hostkey.pem4) $HOME/.globus/hostkey.pemAttempt 2globus_credential: Error reading proxy credentialglobus_sysconfig: Could not find a valid proxy certificate file locationglobus_sysconfig: Error with key filenameglobus_sysconfig: File does not exist: /tmp/x509up_u0 is not a valid fileAttempt 3globus_credential: Error reading user credentialglobus_sysconfig: Error with certificate filename: The user cert could not be found in:1) env. var. X509_USER_CERT2) $HOME/.globus/usercert.pem3) $HOME/.globus/usercred.p1204/01/16 10:29:23 (pid:21220) DC_AUTHENTICATE: authentication of <> did not result in a valid mapped user name, which is required for this command (1112 QMGMT_WRITE_CMD), so aborting.04/01/16 10:29:23 (pid:21220) DC_AUTHENTICATE: reason for authentication failure: AUTHENTICATE:1003:Failed to authenticate with any method|AUTHENTICATE:1004:Failed to authenticate using GSI|GSI:5003:Failed to authenticate. Globus is reporting error (851968:713). There is probably a problem with your credentials. Â(Did you run grid-proxy-init?)|AUTHENTICATE:1004:Failed to authenticate using KERBEROS|AUTHENTICATE:1004:Failed to authenticate using FS|FS:1004:Unable to lstat(/tmp/FS_XXXMX9YKD)Also, I wanted to say that everything works fine in our RHEL6 server using HTCondor 8.0.6. I have been searching to see if anyone else had a similar problem, but I was not able to find anything. I really appreciate the help.Thank you,Antelmo