Hi Sridhar--I have been able to successfully show EC2 grid nodes
host name in the condor pool.. what we had to do was to hack
the '/bin/hostname' command to correctly show the ip address
that they presented to the outside world.
Steve Timm
On Mon, 4 May 2015, Sridhar Thumma wrote:
Â*Â what should I add in worker node configuration fileHi,
Scenario: I have two worker nodes running. I want to execute particular vanilla job (MYJOB_TYPE) only in one specific node. How to do that? Two
worker nodes will have same configuration like memory/cpus/OpSysLegacy and etc. I want to differentiate worker nodes somehow.
worker nodes won't be having proper hostname. there are ec2 grid nodes. when I execute condor_status in central manager, I can see that name is
set to "Name = "slot1@"" andÂMachine = "".Â
Can you please give some pointer onÂ
Â*Â what should I add in vanilla condor file
Steven C. Timm, Ph.DÂ (630) 840-8525
timm@xxxxxxxx http://home.fnal.gov/~timm/
Office: Feynman Computing Center 243
Fermilab Scientific Computing Division,
Scientific Computing Facilities Quadrant.,
Experimental Computing Facilities Dept.,
Project Lead for Virtual Facility Project.
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