I am launching ec2 instances using condor grid submit files. sometimes, I am seeing following error. Is there a way to avoid this issue from condor configuration. I am trying to find out why I am seeing this error. Any idea why I am seeing this error? I am launching jobs in US-EAST-1 region. Any inputs/idea on how to resolve this issue?
It sure looks like Amazon trying to shed load, but I'm not sure I've ever seen that before. Checking their status page:
http://status.aws.amazon.com/ [RESOLVED] Increased Launch Error Rates2:37 PM PDT We are investigating increased error rates for new instance launches in the US-EAST-1 Region. 2:48 PM PDT Between 2:13 PM and 2:33 PM PDT we experienced increased API error rates for new instance launches in the US-EAST-1 Region. Running instances were not impacted by this event. The issue has been resolved and the service is operating normally.
so your problem may have been a transient issue at Amazon. (Googling for English text of the error message you quoted revealed that it's one of the "errors" Amazon's referring to above.) If the problem you're seeing persists, let us know.
- Todd Miller