Hi Jiang,
The groups are independent of the individual user fairshare. In addition to giving cms.A the best priority, youâll want to make sure that group CMS has the largest quota.
I think you want to look at the GROUP_QUOTA_* knobs here:
One way to set things up is something like the following:
then to adjust the priority factor of cms.A appropriately.
Hi all, I have a question about the priority of special user. As following: AccoutingGroup: cms, atlas user: cms.A, cms.B, cms.C, atlas.A, atlas.B,
We want to give the highest priority to cms.A. And cms.A will be allocated the resources immediatly once there`s some resources in "Idle". We set the factor of cms.A is 1. But it doesn't work. thanks for reply.
NAMEïJiang Xiaowei TELï010 8823 6024 DEPARTMENTïComputing Center of IHEP _______________________________________________HTCondor-users mailing listTo unsubscribe, send a message to htcondor-users-request@xxxxxxxxxxx with asubject: UnsubscribeYou can also unsubscribe by visitinghttps://lists.cs.wisc.edu/mailman/listinfo/htcondor-usersThe archives can be found at:https://lists.cs.wisc.edu/archive/htcondor-users/