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[HTCondor-users] another quotas question...



I have another question about dynamic quotas.

I’m playing with them off course, and I configured them as follows :

# overall groups

GROUP_QUOTA_DYNAMIC_group_alice =  0.0548

GROUP_QUOTA_DYNAMIC_group_atlas =  0.3333

GROUP_QUOTA_DYNAMIC_group_atlas.pilot =  0.4138

GROUP_QUOTA_DYNAMIC_group_atlas.production =  0.1172

GROUP_QUOTA_DYNAMIC_group_atlas.production_mcore =  0.4689

GROUP_QUOTA_DYNAMIC_group_cms =  0.208

GROUP_QUOTA_DYNAMIC_group_nonlhc =  0.2615

GROUP_QUOTA_DYNAMIC_group_nonlhc.vo_cta_in2p3_fr =  0.25

GROUP_QUOTA_DYNAMIC_group_nonlhc.vo_hess_experiment_eu =  0.12

GROUP_QUOTA_DYNAMIC_group_nonlhc.vo_irfu_cea_fr =  0.14

GROUP_QUOTA_DYNAMIC_group_nonlhc.vo_irfu_cea_fr.pilot =  0.5

GROUP_QUOTA_DYNAMIC_group_nonlhc.vo_irfu_cea_fr.production =  0.5

GROUP_QUOTA_DYNAMIC_group_nonlhc.vo_neugrid_eu =  0.25


I’d like to understand if it is condor_userprio that’s doing wrong things, or me who’s not understanding the logic. Indeed, I don’t understand why the pilot or production sub-subgroups are not displayed under the group_nonlhc.vo_irfu_cea_fr subgroup ?

Also, I find weird that the quota displayed for the sub-subgroup “group_nonlhc.vo_irfu_cea_fr.pilot” is 0.5 and apparently displayed/equivalentequivalent to the higher level quotas such as for atlas (the effective quotas or subtree quotas do not seem better.. 0.5*0.14 != 0.6 and 33*0.5*0.14 != 0.6) … ?


[root@dev7246 ~]# condor_userprio -quota -allusers -all -hierarchical

Last Priority Update:  6/25 17:34

Group                                                            Effective  Config     Use    Subtree   Effective     Real   Priority   Res   Total Usage       Usage             Last       Time Since Requested

  User Name                                                        Quota     Quota   Surplus   Quota     Priority   Priority  Factor   In Use (wghted-hrs)    Start Time       Usage Time    Last Usage Resources

---------------------------------------------------------------- --------- --------- ------- --------- ------------ -------- --------- ------ ------------ ---------------- ---------------- ---------- ----------

group_alice                                                           1.81      0.05 Regroup      1.81                  0.50 100000.00      0         0.00                                   16611+15:3          0

group_atlas                                                           0.00      0.33 Regroup     11.00                  0.50 100000.00      0         0.00                                   16611+15:3          0

group_atlas.pilot                                                     4.55      0.41 Regroup      4.55                  0.50 100000.00      0         0.00                                   16611+15:3          0

group_atlas.production                                                1.29      0.12 Regroup      1.29                  0.50 100000.00      0         0.00                                   16611+15:3          0

group_atlas.production_mcore                                          5.16      0.47 Regroup      5.16                  0.50 100000.00      0         0.00                                   16611+15:3          0

group_cms                                                             6.86      0.21 Regroup      6.86                  0.50 100000.00      0         0.00                                   16611+15:3          0

group_nonlhc                                                          2.07      0.26 Regroup      8.63                  0.50 100000.00      0         0.00                                   16611+15:3          0

group_nonlhc.vo_cta_in2p3_fr                                          2.16      0.25 Regroup      2.16                  0.50 100000.00      0         0.00                                   16611+15:3          0

group_nonlhc.vo_hess_experiment_eu                                    1.04      0.12 Regroup      1.04                  0.50 100000.00      0         0.00                                   16611+15:3          0

group_nonlhc.vo_irfu_cea_fr.pilot                                     0.60      0.50 Regroup      0.60                  0.50 100000.00      0         0.02  6/25/2015 17:13  6/25/2015 17:13    0+00:20          0

  irf063@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                                                                   50000.00     0.50 100000.00      0         0.55  6/25/2015 16:46  6/25/2015 17:13    0+00:20

group_nonlhc.vo_irfu_cea_fr.production                                0.60      0.50 Regroup      0.60                  1.00 100000.00      0         0.02  6/25/2015 17:34  6/25/2015 17:34      <now>          0

  irf063@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                                                                   99868.60     1.00 100000.00      0         0.02  6/25/2015 17:34  6/25/2015 17:34      <now>

group_nonlhc.vo_neugrid_eu                                            2.16      0.25 Regroup      2.16                  0.50 100000.00      0         0.00                                   16611+15:3          0

group_nonlhc.vo_irfu_cea_fr                                           0.00      0.14 Regroup      1.21                  0.50 100000.00      0         0.00                                   16611+15:3          0

  pilot_mcore.irf063@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                                                       50000.00     0.50 100000.00      0         1.07  6/25/2015 15:09  6/25/2015 16:43    0+00:50

<none>                                                               33.00      0.00 yes         33.00                  0.50 100000.00      0        12.25  7/10/2014 17:32  6/25/2015 16:46    0+00:48          0



What am I missing ?

Thanks !




P.S : due to apparent email servers misconfigurations somewhere, I am not receiving this specific list emails at the moment and will only be able to see replies in the list archives, and thus won’t be able to directly reply to replies :’(