The collector reported:
PERMISSION DENIED to unauthenticated@unmapped from host for command 10 (QUERY_STARTD_PVT_ADS), access level NEGOTIATOR: reason: NEGOTIATOR authorization policy contains no matching ALLOW entry for this request; identifiers used for this host:,,oswrk121, hostname size = 2, original ip address =
so ALLOW_NEGOTIATOR and ALLOW_NEGOTIATOR_SCHEDD must have had some previous, existing setting. (Perhaps a default, probably CONDOR_HOST.)
# master needs this two particular versions ALLOW_READ = *,10.200.60.* ALLOW_WRITE = *,10.200.60.*
# Fix to version 8.3.6 suggested by ToddL ALLOW_NEGOTIATOR = 10.200.60.* ALLOW_NEGOTIATOR_SCHEDD = 10.200.60.*
Try something like the following, instead. ALLOW_NEGOTIATOR = *, 10.200.60.* ALLOW_NEGOTIATOR_SCHEDD = $(ALLOW_NEGOTIATOR) - ToddM