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Re: [HTCondor-users] Access to renamed DAG node names

On 12/01/2015 11:50, Brian Candler wrote:
Now, I tried doing this using a separate subdirectory for each dag, and using "SPLICE .... DIR=<directory>". However it doesn't do what I expected. Every submit file, every job output/error file still has to be explictly given relative to the top-level directory.
Bleurgh... I put a spurious "=" sign in there, and it was silently ignored.

The corrected code is as follows and it works just fine. I believe this will achieve what I need. Sorry for the noise on the mailing list :-(



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write_dag() {
  cat <<EOS >"foo.dag"
JOB A foo.sub
VARS A job="A" input="$1" arg1="aaa" arg2="AAA"
JOB B foo.sub
VARS B job="B" input="A.out" arg1="bbb" arg2="BBB"
SCRIPT POST B deliver.sh B.out

  cat <<'EOS' >"foo.sub"
universe = vanilla
executable = foo.sh
arguments = "'$(arg1)' '$(arg2)'"
output = $(job).out
error = $(job).err

  cat <<'EOS' >"foo.sh"
echo $1
echo $2
  chmod +x foo.sh

  cat <<'EOS' >"deliver.sh"
cat "$1" >>/tmp/deliver.out 2>>/tmp/deliver.err
  chmod +x deliver.sh

echo "hello world" >data.in

mkdir dag1
( cd dag1; write_dag ../data.in )

mkdir dag2
( cd dag2; write_dag ../dag1/B.out )

cat <<EOS >dag.dag
SPLICE dag1 foo.dag DIR dag1
SPLICE dag2 foo.dag DIR dag2
PARENT dag1 CHILD dag2
NODE_STATUS_FILE node.status
JOBSTATE_LOG jobstate.log

# condor_submit_dag dag.dag
# Final output is in dag2/B.out
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