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Re: [HTCondor-users] Avoiding combinatorial explosion in dependencies between spliced DAGS
- Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 17:32:36 -0500 (CDT)
- From: "R. Kent Wenger" <wenger@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [HTCondor-users] Avoiding combinatorial explosion in dependencies between spliced DAGS
On Thu, 30 Jul 2015, John N Calley wrote:
What I'd really like to do is to reach 'into' each sub-dag and insert
dependencies between specific final nodes and specific initial nodes.
I've considered hacking this solution together, but the ways of doing it
that I can think of seem inelegant. I wonder if anyone has thoughts on
how to do this kind of thing cleanly? To expand a bit, this comes up
when I want to do Analysis A on samples 1-2000 and then I want to do
Analysis B on the same samples. Analysis B for sample 1 depends on
Analysis A for the same sample, but not on Analysis A for any other
samples. It's a shame to require that Analysis A finish for all samples
before I start Analysis B for any samples, but that is what I feel stuck
with at the moment.
I thought that the following would work:
* top.dag
splice A A.dag
splice B B.dag
parent A+A1 child B+B1
* A.dag
job A1 ...
* B.dag
job B1...
Unfortunately, it doesn't. I think that the nodes from the splices are
not fully incorporated into the top-level DAG at the time that the
parent...child line is parsed.
At any rate, I've created a ticket for this request:
and I'll be coming up with a design document soon.