Hi, all Concurrency limits work very well. On my test deployment – they work perfectly, limit users, all is wonderful. But – the moment I try to translate this into the production environment, concurrency limits go out the window. I set a MARCV_LIMIT=1 and invoke a "queue 100" job with ConcurrenyLimit=Owner in test – 1 runs and rest wait. I do the same in production - slowly, more and more processes creep in and run. Sometimes, it stops around 5-8. Sometimes, at 50. Sometimes all 100 get running. There are two difference between the test cluster (4 cast-off machines) and the production (70+ machines) – size and partitionable slots (which are used in production). Has anyone been able to make a partitionable slot setup work reliably with ConcurrencyLimits and is willing to share his experience/ideas? Many thanks! Marc Volovic |