I've installed the Condor development series (8.1.4) on execute nodes that have GPUs installed. The rest of the Condor cluster is all on 8.0.5. I am following the instructions at
to advertise the GPUs as part of the Machine ClassAd. The machine is configured as a single partitionable slot with all CPUs/RAM/GPUs):
Note, in particular, the value of AssignedGPUs. Also note this:
Note the detection of 3 CPUs according to Condor...
So one issue is that I'm not sure if AssignedGPUs is correct. No matter what I do, the following command returns empty:
Tom Downes
Associate Scientist and Data Center Manager
Center for Gravitation, Cosmology and Astrophysics
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 4:06 PM, Steffen Grunewald <
Steffen.Grunewald@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I've been running Condor for more than a decade now, but being
> rather new to the Condor/GPU business, I'm having a hard time now.
> Following
http://spinningmatt.wordpress.com/2012/11/19, I have tried
> to add two GPUs to the resources available to a standalone machine
> with a number of CPU cores, by defining in condor_config.d/gpu:
> SLOT_TYPE_1 = cpus=100%,auto
> I added a "request_gpus" line to my - otherwise rather simplistic -
> submit file, specifying either 1 or 0.
> This works - depending on the amount of free resources (obviously,
> the GPUS are the least abundant one), jobs get matched and started.
> Checking the output of condor_status -l for the individual dynamic
> slots, the numbers look OK.
> (I'm wondering whether I'd have to set request_gpus=0 somewhere.
> Seems to default to 0 though.)
> Now the idea is to tell the job - via arguments, environment,
> or a job wrapper - which GPU to use. This is where I ran out of
> ideas.
> suggests to use
> arguments = @...$((AssignedGPUs))
> but this macro cannot be expanded on job submission...
> There's no _CONDOR_AssignedGPUs in the "printenv" output.
> Even
> # grep -i gpu /var/lib/condor/execute/dir_*/.{machine,job}.ad
> doesn't show anything that looks helpful.
> Addition of a line
> as suggested in the wiki page shows no effect at all.
> Also, $(LIBEXEC)/condor_gpu_discovery doesn't work as expected:
> # /usr/lib/condor/libexec/condor_gpu_discovery [-properties]
> modprobe: FATAL: Module nvidia-uvm not found.
> 2
> (and -properties makes no difference)
> In the end, I'd like to have up to TotalGpus slots with a (or
> both) GPU/s assigned to it/them, and $CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES or
> another environment variable telling me (and a possible wrapper
> script) the device numbers. (I also suppose that a non-GPU slot
> would have to set $CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to the empty string or
> -1?)
> In an era of partitionable resources, will I still have to revert
> to static assignments of the individual GPUs to static slots? I
> don't hope so (as this doesn't provide an easy means to allocate
> both GPUs to a single job)...
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> S
> --
> Steffen Grunewald * Cluster Admin * steffen.grunewald(*)
aei.mpg.de> MPI f. Gravitationsphysik (AEI) * Am Mühlenberg 1, D-14476 Potsdam
http://www.aei.mpg.de/ * ------- * +49-331-567-{fon:7274,fax:7298}
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