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Re: [HTCondor-users] ERROR "Ran out of system resources in auto allocation"; cannot use more than 16 cores on Windows?

On 6/3/2014 8:52 AM, Ben Cotton wrote:
On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 8:48 PM, Ralph Finch <ralphmariafinch@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Bump. Is there a 16 core limit on Windows?

Nope. Just as a quick test on my laptop running 64bit Windows 7, using the default personal condor config and HTCondor v8.1.5, I placed
  num_cpus = 30
in condor_config.local (to lie about how many CPU cores I have), started the HTCondor service, and 30 static slots popped up just as expected.

I think Ben is onto something below. Try again using the default config, and/or post the relevant parts of your condor_config file (i.e. the parts you modified, esp related to startd/slot config) here.


Doesn't look like it. I took my Windows 7 Ultimate (32-bit) VM and
lied to HTCondor (8.0.5) about the number of cores and was able to
have it successfully report 17 slots.

You mentioned that you copied in your condor_config file. I wonder if
you haven something in there that would cause HTCondor to trip up. If
you use the default config file, does it work?
