This is an excellent question. After 34 years of Condor, tens of thousands of threads still there is no clarity of what HTCondor is and why using it,A simple table stating, in two columns: "Who shoulld be using HTCondor", and "Who should not be using HTCondor"Here is a quote fromÂÂThere is an acute need to transform the classical high performance computing (HPC) Âskill set. Adrian Cockroft, from Battery Ventures says in a recent interview with InsideHPC""The biggest skill shortage in IT today is related to big data and data scientists. Most people in HPC have the analysis and math skills needed to meet this need, but you may need to retool from being an MPI programmer to learning R or Hadoop or Spark."ÂI would ad Mezos as well. Times have changed. So what is position of HTCondor today, relative to the newer products? Relative to Docker and the new arrival Rocket?I think the top thinkers on this group should spend some time to position clearly where HTCondor fits and what unexplored poten tials this software has.Cheers,Miha Ahronovitz--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Miha Ahronovitz
PrincipalÂ|ÂAhrono Associates
c:Â408 422 2757
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On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 3:10 AM, marrodriguez <marc.rodriguez@xxxxxxxx> wrote:Hi
I have interest to implement condor on my site, but I have a doubt, Why condor is consider a HTCÂ batch system and not HPC. it have some disadvantage on HPC field respect Slurm, PBS vs SGE?
Thanks in advanced
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