[Apologies if you receive multiple copies] ********************************************************************* CALL FOR PARTICIPATION 2014 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster 2014) http://www.cluster2014.org September 22 - 26, 2014 Madrid, Spain ********************************************************************** The full program is online: http://www.cluster2014.org Clusters are the base for building today's rapidly evolving cloud and HPC infrastructure, and are used to solve some of the most complex problems. The challenge to make them scalable, efficient, and more functional requires the common effort of the cluster community in the areas of cluster system design, management and monitoring -- at hardware, system, middleware, and application level. The Cluster conference has precisely this goal: to be a major venue for such collective effort. This year’s conference acknowledges the recent birth of the Big Data phenomenon, strongly reflected in our keynotes and panels: - Robert L. Grossman (University of Chicago and Open Data Group) discusses the goal of bringing efficient cluster support to data-intensive computing. - Frédéric Desprez (Inria) highlights the challenges posed by accurate, large-scale experimentation, the instruments needed for performing such experiments, and the lessons learned from the Grid’5000 experience in this respect. - Dan Stanzione (Texas Advanced Computing Center) discusses open issues related to data analysis and management for the open science community. - A first panel addresses the question: will Big Data transform cluster architectures? A second panel discusses the issue of performance evolution: are clusters too powerful for our users? We are happy to announce a rich, high-quality conference program with 29 research papers accepted out of 122 valid submissions that went through a selective reviewing process (over 450 reviews), resulting in 23.8% acceptance rate. In addition, 16 reviewed posters will be dedicated to promising emergent research directions. The conference also includes two industry sessions with talks from major players with high impact in the area of cluster computing (Bull, Mellanox, Nvidia, ParTec), two workshops, two panels and six tutorials. A novelty this year is the creation of the Student Mentoring Program. Today's Master and PhD students are our future colleagues. The future development of cluster, grid and cloud computing falls on their shoulders. The Cluster conference is proud to contribute to their education through a specific mentoring program all along the week. The Organizing Committee is happy to welcome you to Madrid and hopes you find Cluster 2014 an exciting and intellectually stimulating event! **** IMPORTANT DATES **** Early Registration: August 11, 2014 Tutorials: September 22, 2014 Main Conference: September 23-25, 2014 Workshops: September 26, 2014 Registration Website: http://www.cluster2014.org/index.php/registration-accommodation What's Included Full congress registration fees include: full conference, tutorials, workshops, poster, business lunches stated in program, reception and gala dinner. There is a separate workshops/tutorials only registration. Note the special « Bring a student with you! » package: IEEE Member + Student IEEE Member. Visa Support Letters Attendees needing visa letters may request a letter when validating their registration. -- ================================================================= Ioan Raicu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) Guest Research Faculty, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) ================================================================= Data-Intensive Distributed Systems Laboratory, CS/IIT Distributed Systems Laboratory, MCS/ANL ================================================================= Editor: IEEE TCC, Springer Cluster, Springer JoCCASA Chair: IEEE/ACM MTAGS, ACM ScienceCloud ================================================================= Cel: 1-847-722-0876 Office: 1-312-567-5704 Email: iraicu@xxxxxxxxxx Web: http://www.cs.iit.edu/~iraicu/ Web: http://datasys.cs.iit.edu/ LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/ioanraicu Google: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=jE73HYAAAAAJ ================================================================= ================================================================= |