We are considering mechanisms to terminate jobs that are in the running state but consuming very little CPU, on the assumption that such jobs are hung up in some way, perhaps with some pop-up error alert that is waiting on user input.
This could be done by including a periodic_remove _expression_ in the submit file, making use of the RemoteUserCpu ClassAd to compare CPU usage to job elapsed time.
However, RemoteUserCpu is only updated at the frequencies defined by STARTER_UPDATE_INTERVAL on the processing node and then SHADOW_QUEUE_UPDATE_INTERVAL on the submitting node, defaulting to 5 min and 15 min respectively. Before evaluating
any periodic_remove _expression_, we need to know that at least the first pair of updates has occurred, since prior to that it will simply remain at 0.
Is there anything in the job ClassAds that would tell us that the update has occurred? Or any other way to find out? We donât want to assume that the default values are in use.
David Wilkins
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