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[HTCondor-users] Newbie questions about submit
I'm new to Condor use.
I try example and make somme code to explore condor "helloworld" and
onther :) I try ... vanilla universe and MPI.
all work perfectly ... now I want to make more usefull thing.
But I have a problem ... I can run a MPI run with mpirun without
problem my CLI was like this.
mpirun clustalw-mpi -infile=dataset_11.dat -outfile=galaxy_dataset_46.dat -OUTORDER=ALIGNED -SEQNOS=OFF -TYPE=DNA
I began to write my submit_file to play with condor_submit command but
I don't know where I put my arguments "-OUTORDER=ALIGNED -SEQNOS=OFF
I try these submit_file without success
universe = parallel
executable = openmpiscript
arguments = /usr/bin/clustalw-mpi
Getenv = True
machine_count = 4
transfer_input_files =
should_transfer_files = yes
when_to_transfer_output = on_exit
Log = logs/mpi_$(Process).log
Output = logs/mpi_$(Process).out
Error = logs/mpi_$(Process).error
notification = never
And this one
universe = MPI
# only with grid and vanilla
log = logfile
#input = logs/hooinfile.$(NODE)
input = /home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/database/files/000/dataset_11.dat
output = logs/hoooutfile.$(NODE)
error = logs/hooerrfile.$(NODE)
machine_count = 4
should_transfer_files = yes
when_to_transfer_output = on_exit
And this ... do nothing :( ....
Some advices ?