Just as my error!
Try to run condor daemons as root, this can avoid many errors
for beginners.
在 2013-3-17 PM8:17,"Usman Khan" <
Hello guys!
I tried to submit my first job on HTCondor which is a simple
fibonacci series program.
but when I submit my job to personal condor, then job goes
held and display following output in log file. Plz help me out
through this.
000 (001.000.000) 03/17 14:31:07 Job submitted from host: <>
007 (001.000.000) 03/17 14:51:11 Shadow exception!
Error from slot1@muakBook: Failed to open
'/home/muak/condor/exa/fib.out' as standard output: Permission
denied (errno 13)
0 - Run Bytes Sent By Job
0 - Run Bytes Received By Job
012 (001.000.000) 03/17 14:51:12 Job was held.
Error from slot1@muakBook: Failed to open
'/home/muak/condor/exa/fib.out' as standard output: Permission
denied (errno 13)
Code 7 Subcode 13
What Should I do now?
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