Hi Todd,
nodes are dedicated rack based nodes. I did condor_reconfig
and even /etc/init.d/condor stop and start
some progress, putting the allowed users in machine-ad local
config START = ( (User == "
|| \
Oh by the way I did substitute our workshop
testme001@xxxxxxxxxxx) for the above and not copied as
is ....
Got this node in unclaimed:idle
state. Which is better than before.
I checked the workshop user's
job-ad attribute User and I do find them in there, and even
the machine-ad attribute now lists
the only difference being the machine-ad attribute is not all
upper case as defined in the machine-ad local config file, as
seen above.
I tried to submit a new job but the condor_q -analyze reports
"Request has not yet been
considered by the matchmaker."
I have waited for over 10 mins still not considering.
-avail shows these nodes as Unclaimed
Idle, any thoughts?
Best Regards,