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Re: [HTCondor-users] Remove files when the job gets evicted or crashes
- Date: Sun, 02 Jun 2013 18:39:35 +0200
- From: Felix Wolfheimer <f.wolfheimer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [HTCondor-users] Remove files when the job gets evicted or crashes
Guess the hook mechanism is normally used to do such a cleanup. Hooks
are described in section 4.4 of the condor manual. However, in the 7.8
series there seems to be a problem with the HOOK_JOB_EXIT. I stumbled
upon this because I wanted to use this mechanism myself to do cleanup
tasks (even if jobs are aborted, put on hold etc.). If you also
experience the bug (see ticket 3669) you may try the patch I attached to
the ticket which helped in my case.
Am Samstag, den 01.06.2013, 13:02 +0200 schrieb Horvátth Szabolcs:
> Hi,
> My jobs create some lock files on a file server that are cleared automatically when the job completes, but remain if the job crashes or gets evicted by the user or a more important job.
> I'm not sure what's the easiest way to do a post-job cleanup though, should I use *USER_JOB_WRAPPER *for this? At the moment I store the list of lock files locally (not the locks themselves, just a text file with all lock file paths created by the job) in the condor work directory of the executing machine.
> Cheers,
> Szabolcs Horvatth
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