For some reason some machines now work. But I have this puzzle, my machine is bdomo-002:
D:\delta\models\201X-Calibration\PEST\Calib\Condor>condor_store_cred add -p blahblah -n bdomo-002
Account: rfinch@WATER
WARNING: Continuing will result in your password being sent in the clear!
Do you want to continue? [y/N] y
Operation succeeded.
D:\delta\models\201X-Calibration\PEST\Calib\Condor>condor_store_cred add -p blahblah
Account: rfinch@WATER
Operation failed.
Make sure your ALLOW_WRITE setting includes this host.
I'm adding a credential to the same machine, same account, which does specifying the machine work, defaulting to the local machine not work??