Hi all, I have just started working with Condor so have got a few questions. Is it possible to run python scripts with Condor? How? Actually what I want to do is to run some optimization process with pyomo package. In order to run my script I have to type “pyomo script_file.py solver_name …” in command line when working in a normal windows or linux environment. As expected after installation of all of the required packages, entering this command directly in each of the PCs in the cluster results into the execution of the optimization process. Knowing this, I made a .bat file with the above command. Then in the .sub file, I set the executable to my .bat file and required transfer input files (script_file.py). when I submitted this job to condor server, the error below was returned: 'pyomo' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Does anyone have an idea why this is happening and how can I get it solved? Regards Mosy |