On Wednesday, 17 October, 2012 at 5:07 PM, Tim St Clair wrote:
might want to try: http://www.pgbovine.net/cde.htmlb/c you never know where you might land.Cheers,Tim----- Original Message -----From: "Brian Candler" <B.Candler@xxxxxxxxx>Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 4:04:33 PMSubject: [Condor-users] Condor and python scriptsI was wondering if there are any guidelines for running multi-filepythonapps as condor jobs.Apart from sticking all the modules onto a shared filesystem, I wasthinkingof bundling up the app and all the modules it depends on into a ziparchive,and pushing that out, since Python can import directly from a zipfile.Either way, I don't want to push the python interpreter itself out;I'mhappy to rely on the one on the target system. Is something like thefollowing reasonable, or are there any pitfalls in this?executable = pythontransfer_executable = falsearguments = -mmymaintransfer_input_files = mylibs.zipenvironment = PYTHONPATH=mylibs.zipThanks,Brian._______________________________________________Condor-users mailing listTo unsubscribe, send a message to condor-users-request@xxxxxxxxxxxwith asubject: UnsubscribeYou can also unsubscribe by visitingThe archives can be found at:_______________________________________________Condor-users mailing listTo unsubscribe, send a message to condor-users-request@xxxxxxxxxxx with asubject: UnsubscribeYou can also unsubscribe by visitingThe archives can be found at: