Hi guys,
I'm just starting with Condor, I'm studying and trying to understand the tool, and for what it's used. I've already read a lot of documentations in the site of Condor and I have understood a lot of things, but I'm with some doubts yet. I was wondering for what it's used in a real world? Where can I found some real examples, or programs that have used that tool. I've already a environment installed with Condor, and I've already submited a simple example found here: and it have worked nice. But it was very simple, and I would like to know how it can be used to work with distributed computing. I saw in the documentation that the support to PVM is not available anymore, so how can I work with distributed applications? Can anyone give me some directions on where to found a example used in the real word, or some example that take some time running and explores the distributed computing concepts? Thanks in advance. Lucian Thomaz |