Hello We want to use a few multi-core machines with condor. Due to their owners demand we can only use a certain number of cores during the day, but all machine resources during the night. So we would need a way to dynamically restrict resource usage of condor depending on the time.
With the static slot configuration, this is relatively easy to do. I don't think there's a good way to do with with partitionable slots as they exist in condor 7.8 or 7.9.
With static slots, something like this should work (though I haven't tested it)
# ClockMin is the minute of the day, starting at midnight # 480 minutes is 8 am, 1020 is 5 pmSTART = ((ClockMin > 480) && (ClockMin < 1020)) && (slotid < 5)) || (clockMin < 480) || (clockMin > 1020)
then set SUSPEND and PREEMPT to do something reasonable for your site. Probably you just want to preempt the excess jobs during work hours.