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[Condor-users] values of Class Ads in logs, condor v 7.6.6
- Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2012 11:33:22 +0100
- From: Henning Fehrmann <henning.fehrmann@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [Condor-users] values of Class Ads in logs, condor v 7.6.6
we started configuring condor 7.6.6 and want to use dynamic slot
provisioning. We have been able to implement it in condor v 7.6.1.
I just post a small startd log snipped. The debug level is D_ALL:
WithinResourceLimits = ( ifThenElse(TARGET.RequestCpus =!= undefined,MY.Cpus > 0 && TARGET.RequestCpus <= MY.Cpus,1 <= MY.Cpus) && ifThenElse(TARGET.RequestMemory =!= undefined,MY.Me
mory > 0 && TARGET.RequestMemory <= MY.Memory,false) && ifThenElse(TARGET.RequestDisk =!= undefined,MY.Disk > 0 && TARGET.RequestDisk <= MY.Disk,false) )
CurrentTime = time()
Disk = 4722211
CondorLoadAvg = 0.0
IsWakeOnLanEnabled = true
TotalSlots = 2
UidDomain = "atlas.local"
EnteredCurrentActivity = 1328004561
SlotID = 1
SlotWeight = Cpus
LastFetchWorkCompleted = 0
NextFetchWorkDelay = -1
WANT_HOLD = false
Requirements = ( START ) && ( IsValidCheckpointPlatform ) && ( WithinResourceLimits )
MyType = "Machine"
MonitorSelfResidentSetSize = 4680
01/31/12 11:09:21 (fd:7) (pid:9899) slot1_1: Request to claim resource refused.
I can't really see whether Class Ads like WithinResourceLimits evaluates to 'TRUE'.
Is there a way to write the value of the Class Ads into the logs?
Thank you and cheers,