> We run on a Windows-only pool and implement suspension of jobs on busy
> machines, which is a lot better than having them killed. We put a
> limit on the total suspend time; it seems to work well since most
> people use their computer for several minutes, then do something
> come back...the suspended jobs can eke out enough time during the day,
> then run nearly 100% at night.
> RF
Dear RF,
Would you be so kind to share your configurations about how to achieve this?
Does it require merely a proper
configuration on the pool PCs?
Here is what I have on our WinXP pool PCs:
StartIdleTime = 5 * $(MINUTE)
ContinueIdleTime = 5 * $(MINUTE)
MaxSuspendTime = 5 * $(MINUTE)
MaxVacateTime = 5 * $(MINUTE)
Should I increase the "MaxSuspendTime"?
Is MaxVacateTime irrelevant here, as the Win jobs cannot checkpoint?
Thank you.