I have a problem with flocking between two linux master PCs. Here is what I have in the respective logs:
Linux Master (condor version 7.4.2) with many pool PCs. This is its NegotiatorLog:
02/14 20:22:55 ---------- Started Negotiation Cycle ----------
02/14 20:22:55 Phase 1: Obtaining ads from collector ...
02/14 20:22:55 Getting all public ads ...
02/14 20:22:55 Sorting 7 ads ...
02/14 20:22:55 Getting startd private ads ...
02/14 20:22:55 Got ads: 7 public and 0 private
02/14 20:22:55 Public ads include 2 submitter, 0 startd
02/14 20:22:55 Phase 2:
Performing accounting ...
02/14 20:22:55 Phase 3: Sorting submitter ads by priority ...
02/14 20:22:55 Phase 4.1: Negotiating with schedds ...
02/14 20:22:55 Negotiating with weenee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx at <>
02/14 20:22:55 0 seconds so far
02/14 20:22:55 condor_read() failed: recv() returned -1, errno = 104 Connection reset by peer, reading 5 bytes from schedd weenee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
02/14 20:22:55 IO: Failed to read packet header
02/14 20:22:55 Failed to get reply from schedd
02/14 20:22:55 Error: Ignoring submitter for this cycle
Another Linux Master (condor version 7.7.3) with a user "weenee" as weenee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This one has no pool PCs, but can flock to previous master. This is its SchedLog:
20:22:55 (pid:1649) Using negotiation protocol: NEGOTIATE
02/14/12 20:22:55 (pid:1649) Can't receive negotiation header
Does somebody have a clue what is the problem here?
Is there a condor version problem?
Thank you!