Yes exactly, :). it's done.
But i finded an other error :
Log file :
5/15 23:18:51 ******************************************************
5/15 23:18:51 ** condor_master (CONDOR_MASTER) STARTING UP
5/15 23:18:51 ** /usr/sbin/condor_master
5/15 23:18:51 ** SubsystemInfo: name=MASTER type=MASTER(2) class=DAEMON(1)
5/15 23:18:51 ** Configuration: subsystem:MASTER local:<NONE> class:DAEMON
5/15 23:18:51 ** $CondorVersion: 7.2.4 Apr 11 2010 $
5/15 23:18:51 ** $CondorPlatform: I386-LINUX_DEBIAN_UNKNOWN $
5/15 23:18:51 ** PID = 8118
5/15 23:18:51 ** Log last touched 5/15 23:18:48
5/15 23:18:51 ******************************************************
5/15 23:18:51 Using config source: /etc/condor/condor_config
5/15 23:18:51 Using local config sources:
5/15 23:18:51 /etc/condor_config.local
5/15 23:18:51 DaemonCore: Command Socket at <>
5/15 23:18:51 Failed to listen(9618) on TCP command socket.
5/15 23:18:51 ERROR: Create_Process failed trying to start /usr/sbin/condor_collector
5/15 23:18:51 restarting /usr/sbin/condor_collector in 10 seconds
5/15 23:18:51 Started DaemonCore process "/usr/sbin/condor_startd", pid and pgroup = 8119
5/15 23:18:51 Started DaemonCore process "/usr/sbin/condor_schedd", pid and pgroup = 8120
5/15 23:18:51 Started DaemonCore process "/usr/sbin/condor_negotiator", pid and pgroup = 8121
5/15 23:18:51 PERMISSION DENIED to unauthenticated user from host for command 60008 (DC_CHILDALIVE), access level DAEMON: reason: DAEMON authorization policy contains no matching ALLOW entry for this request; identifiers used for this host:,
5/15 23:18:54 PERMISSION DENIED to unauthenticated user from host for command 60008 (DC_CHILDALIVE), access level DAEMON: reason: cached result for DAEMON; see first case for the full reason
5/15 23:18:59 PERMISSION DENIED to unauthenticated user from host for command 60008 (DC_CHILDALIVE), access level DAEMON: reason: cached result for DAEMON; see first case for the full reason
5/15 23:19:01 Failed to listen(9618) on TCP command socket.
5/15 23:19:01 ERROR: Create_Process failed trying to start /usr/sbin/condor_collector
5/15 23:19:01 restarting /usr/sbin/condor_collector in 120 seconds