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Re: [Condor-users] Limit Number of Parallel Jobs
- Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2011 02:05:24 +0300
- From: Sassy Natan <sassyn@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Condor-users] Limit Number of Parallel Jobs
Just one more question: In section 3.4.3 it says:
"Note that PREEMPTION_REQUIREMENTS only applies to preemptions due to
user priority. It does not have any effect if the machine’s RANK
expression prefers a different job, or if the machine’s policy causes
the job to vacate due to other activity on the machine."
MY QUESTION IS when a job become preemption? does RANK never impact
the status of the job?
Say I have all machines configure with a RANK for a specific user X,
and I send 1000 job to the pool (which have only 100 slots) from user
Y, once one of the jobs own by user Y will finished a job from user X
will start up? (based on the fact the have the same priority)?
What I would like to have is when user X submit a job, one of the Y
job get checkpointed and job X start immediate.
I still a new baby when it come to preemption.
On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 2:04 AM, Sassy Natan <sassy.natan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Alan De Smet <adesmet@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 7:22 PM
> Subject: Re: [Condor-users] Limit Number of Parallel Jobs
> To: Condor-Users Mail List <condor-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sassy Natan <sassyn@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> This is off course assuming that User A and User B have the same priority.
>> It is understood if a User B have a higher priority, once a job assign
>> by User A will be finished ( around 5 hours), User B job will be
>> started.
>> But what I would like to do is to prevent from user B to wait until
>> one of the User A job will finished.
> Now, you mentioned a desire to avoid preemption. Why? It seems
> like "A has 80 jobs running, then 40 are preempted to give to B"
> ends up working the same as "A is only allowed to run 40 jobs, so
> 40 slots are available to B." Sure, some time is wasted running
> jobs for A that don't complete (but will be automatically
> restarted), but if B never shows up, A gets to use all of the
> slots and finishes faster (potentially giving B all of the slots
> later).
> Assuming I've convinced you that preemption is a good idea:
> A user's priority is a combination of their priority factor (the
> number you set with condor_userprio, it defaults to 1) and the
> real priority. The real priority is a number that roughly
> correlates with the number of slots a user is using; you can
> control the speed at which it approaches the number of slots of
> PRIORITY_HALFLIFE. By default PRIORITY_HALFLIFE is 86400 seconds
> (1 day).
> Condor will preempt a running to job to give it to a user with
> higher priority. PREEMPTION_REQUIREMENTS is used to determine
> which running jobs are eligible for preemption. The default will
> only preempt jobs that have run for at least 1 hour, and when the
> running job's user's priority is at least 20% worse than that of
> the higher priority user's job.
> If you want want more aggressive preemption, you might make
> PREEMPTION_REQUIREMENTS more willing to preempt, and you might
> make PRIORITY_HALFLIFE smaller. Maybe something like:
> # Preempt any job for a 20% higher priority user.
> (RemoteUserPrio > TARGET.SubmitterUserPrio * 1.2) || (MY.NiceUser ==
> True)
> # 30 minutes
> --
> Alan De Smet Condor Project Research
> adesmet@xxxxxxxxxxx
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