What daemons are running on the various
machines? I am not sure you will see anything with condor_status if you
only have the master daemon running. Therefore, try adding the startd to
each machine and then use the condor_restart. Also, check in the global
config (config on central manager) that the ALLOW setting permits each
machine access to the pool. This should be set so all machines in your
pool have access (something like */*.edu). There could be numerous reasons
stemming from how you may have configured security settings, but I would
start here.
I have a, hopefully simple, newbie question. I believe I have set
up successfully a Condor queue on a master machine and also added one additional
machine to the pool. This is all on Windows XP. The problem
that I seem to have is that when I do condor_status on the master node,
it does not seem to see the other machine in the pool. It does see
the dual core processor of its own. If I go to the other machine
in the pool and do condor_status, it reports the cores available on the
master node, but again does not report any resources for itself.
It appears that the second machine is connected to the pool, however, does
not seem to have indicated that it is available to run any jobs. Is
there a simple way to determine this and to fix it?
Thanks in advance,
Herb Smith
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