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[Condor-users] Condor - condor_schedd daemon per pool or what?
- Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2011 17:01:00 +0300
- From: Sassy Natan <sassyn@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [Condor-users] Condor - condor_schedd daemon per pool or what?
Hi All,
I need to know I get it right:
In the examples and document of Condor, they basic condor pool will be
based as the following:
1. A Machine known as the Central Manager: Running the
master,collector and negotiator daemons. - host name: Master
2. An Execute Machine: Running the master and the startd daemons. -
host name: Execute01 and Execute02
3. A Regular Machine: Running the master, startd and schedd daemons: -
host name: Regular01 and Regular02
My question start here: If I I have two Regular Machines, what is the
use of having two different queues per one pool?.
To make myself more clear: we have two schedd daemons: one in
Regular01 and one in Regular02. And based on the quote "Each machine
condor_schedd maintains its own independent queue" we have two queue the pool.
So when users are login to Regular01 while other to Regular02,
submitting there jobs to the condor pool, I don't understand how can I
control my queue? I don't want to manage two differences queue, but a
global one.
If I take out the schedd from one of the Regular machine, say
Regular01, I can't commit jobs to the pool.
Well, this is almost true, since I can submit with a remote job using
the -n switch, but then I don't get what is the use
of having two schedd daemons running on two different machines in the
same pool (Unless off course you want to
have some load balancing for the schedd daemons, but then again the
ll point of having a load balancing schedd is for save the status of
the co-existing queue).
And what If I don't want to specify the -n switch to each relevant
condor commands (like condor_q, condor_rm etc...).
And besides from a user perspective, not Admin one, I don't have any
clue what it the schedd hostname.
I saw there is an option for configuring the SCHEDD_NAME and
But I'm not sure I got it right. When point the name and the file to
my schedd (which is based on my example
in Regular02) I still get error and must point manually to the
Regular02 host name. (And I did put @ at the end of the SCHEDD_NAME.
If someone can help it will be great :)