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Re: [Condor-users] Condor debug output showing my "startd cron" not running because it would be root
- Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2011 13:44:31 +0000
- From: Ian Cottam <Ian.Cottam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Condor-users] Condor debug output showing my "startd cron" not running because it would be root
I think we may have fixed this by running the Condor daemons as user/group
"condor" rather than root.
Will anything stop working by them not being root?
On 02/12/2011 13:09, "Ian Cottam" <Ian.Cottam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>12/02 13:00:08 Classad debug: NO_USER_LOGGED_IN --> UNDEFINED
>>12/02 13:00:08 Classad debug: debug(ifThenElse((NO_USER_LOGGED_IN =?=
>>TRUE) && (KeyboardIdle > 5 * 60) && ((LoadAvg - CondorLoadAvg) <=
>>0.300000) && (CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentState) > 600 && (State ==
>>"Owner" || State == "Unclaimed"), "RAM", "NONE")) --> NONE
>>12/02 13:00:08 allHibernating: resource #1: 'NONE' (0x0)
>>12/02 13:00:08 ERROR: Attempt to initialize user_priv with root
>>privileges rejected
>>12/02 13:00:08 set_user_egid() called when UserIds not inited!
>>12/02 13:00:08 set_user_euid() called when UserIds not inited!
>>12/02 13:00:08 Create_Process: using fast clone() to create child
>>12/02 13:00:08 Create_Process(/etc/condor/ child
>>failed because PRIV_USER_FINAL process was still root before exec()
>>12/02 13:00:08 Cron: Error running job 'nli'
>>12/02 13:00:08 DaemonCore: No more children processes to reap.
>The above is what I get when I increase the debugging level.
>Clearly it is a privilege problem that stops my script running to check if
>anyone logged in, but I'm not sure how to fix.
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Ian Cottam
ext. 61851
IT Services for Research
Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences
The University of Manchester
"The only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks." Mark