Call for Extended Abstracts
HPDC/SIGMETRICS 2011 Student Research Posters Session
San Jose, California, June 8, 2011
HPDC and SIGMETRICS encourage to submit poster proposals
aimed at showcasing the "work-in-progress" of students attending
the two conferences. The goal of the poster session is to present
students' research, provide an opportunity for informal discussion
and facilitate interaction between members of the two communities.
Posters will be presented on the evening of Wednesday, June 8th.
The primary author(s) of the poster must be a student. Posters
will be
reviewed by members of the HPDC and SIGMETRICS organization
committees. At the event, posters must be presented by a
student. Authors of accepted papers must not submit a poster of
the work they present in the conference or affiliated workshops.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Applications of parallel, distributed, and cloud computing
Resource management, scheduling and load-balancing
Performance modeling, simulation, measurement and
Network architectures, topology and routing, wireless
Systems, networks, and architectures for high end computing
Energy efficient computing systems
Data intensive computing
I/O, file systems, and data management
Parallel and multicore issues and opportunities
Virtualization of machines, networks, and storage
Sensor networks, mobile devices, real-time systems
Social networks, Internet servers, multimedia systems, web
Both analytical and empirical studies are encouraged to be
submitted to the student poster session.
Submission Guidelines:
Student authors are asked to submit 2 pages abstracts in standard
ACM format (for templates, see
before the deadline below. All submissions should be in PDF
format. Please submit your abstract at
The accepted abstracts will appear in a special issue of ACM
Evaluation Review (PER).
Important Dates
Submission deadline April 27, 2011
Acceptance notifications May 9, 2011
Student Poster Session Chairs
Giuliano Casale, Imperial College London
Ioan Raicu, Illinois Institute of Technology & Argonne
National Laboratory