Are the following first two lines of the MasterLog file a bug in v7.5.6?
03/31/11 12:53:45 Can't open directory "/home/condor/config" as
PRIV_UNKNOWN, errno: 2 (No such file or directory)
03/31/11 12:53:45 Can't open directory "/home/condor/latest/config" as
PRIV_UNKNOWN, errno: 2 (No such file or directory)
03/31/11 12:53:45 Setting maximum accepts per cycle 4.
03/31/11 12:53:45 ******************************************************
03/31/11 12:53:45 ** condor_master (CONDOR_MASTER) STARTING UP
03/31/11 12:53:45 ** /usr/local/condor/7.5.6/sbin/condor_master
03/31/11 12:53:45 ** SubsystemInfo: name=MASTER type=MASTER(2)
03/31/11 12:53:45 ** Configuration: subsystem:MASTER local:<NONE>
03/31/11 12:53:45 ** $CondorVersion: 7.5.6 Mar 13 2011 BuildID: 319722 $
03/31/11 12:53:45 ** $CondorPlatform: x86_64_rhap_5 $
03/31/11 12:53:45 ** PID = 5197
03/31/11 12:53:45 ** Log last touched time unavailable (No such file or
03/31/11 12:53:45 ******************************************************