I am submitting the following simple job,
universe = vanilla
requirements = (OpSys == "LINUX" && Arch == "X86_64")
executable = echo
arguments = hello
transfer_executable = false
log = Run_condor.log
output = Run_condor.out
error = Run_condor.err
The Run_condor.err results on the following message,
File not found
Which file is this message referring to?
Is it possible to get from Condor a more detailed error description?
(My submit machine is running Windows and the execute node runs Linux opsys)
*Sónia Liléo*
O2 Strandvägen 5B 114 51 Stockholm
*Tel*: +46 8 559 310 37 *Mobile*: +46 73 752 95 74
*www.o2.se <http://www.o2.se>*
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