JobGridType = "gt2"
JobUniverse = 9
GridResource = "gt2"
I suppose you're right and the user is submitting them remotely but still getting mapped to their local account?
Here is the full output:
ClusterId = 151060
QDate = 1288039973
CompletionDate = 0
Owner = "sguragai"
RemoteWallClockTime = 0.000000
LocalUserCpu = 0.000000
LocalSysCpu = 0.000000
RemoteUserCpu = 0.000000
RemoteSysCpu = 0.000000
ExitStatus = 0
NumCkpts_RAW = 0
NumCkpts = 0
NumJobStarts = 0
NumRestarts = 0
CommittedTime = 0
TotalSuspensions = 0
LastSuspensionTime = 0
CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0
ExitBySignal = FALSE
CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 7.4.2 Mar 29 2010 BuildID: 227044 $"
CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-LINUX_RHEL5 $"
RootDir = "/"
Iwd = "/home/sguragai/physics/After_Thesis/CMSSW_3_8_5/src/SUSYBSMAnalysis/Zprime2muAnalysis/tes
JobUniverse = 9
Cmd = "/home/sguragai/physics/After_Thesis/CMSSW_3_8_5/src/SUSYBSMAnalysis/Zprime2muAnalysis/tes
MinHosts = 1
MaxHosts = 1
CurrentHosts = 0
WantRemoteSyscalls = FALSE
WantCheckpoint = FALSE
RequestCpus = 1
JobPrio = 0
User = "sguragai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
NiceUser = FALSE
Environment = ""
JobNotification = 0
WantRemoteIO = TRUE
UserLog = "/home/sguragai/physics/After_Thesis/CMSSW_3_8_5/src/SUSYBSMAnalysis/Zprime2muAnalysis
CoreSize = 0
KillSig = "SIGTERM"
Rank = 0.000000
In = "/dev/null"
TransferIn = FALSE
Out = "CMSSW_1.stdout"
StreamOut = FALSE
Err = "CMSSW_1.s
StreamErr = FALSE
BufferSize = 524288
BufferBlockSize = 32768
ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"
WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"
TransferFiles = "ONEXIT"
TransferInput = "/home/sguragai/physics/After_Thesis/CMSSW_3_8_5/src/SUSYBSMAnalysis/Zprime2muAn
TransferOutput = "out_files_1.tgz,crab_fjr_1.xml"
ImageSize_RAW = 20
ImageSize = 20
ExecutableSize_RAW = 20
ExecutableSize = 20
DiskUsage_RAW = 3737
DiskUsage = 3750
RequestMemory = ceiling(ifThenElse(JobVMMemory =!= UNDEFINED, JobVMMemory, ImageSize / 1024.0000
RequestDisk = DiskUsage
Requirements = TRUE
PeriodicHold = FALSE
PeriodicRelease = FALSE
PeriodicRemove = FALSE
LeaveJobInQueue = FALSE
Args = "1 1"
JobGridType = "gt2"
GridResource = "gt2"
GlobusResubmit = FALSE
WantClaiming = FALSE
GlobusRSL = "(maxWalltime=120)"
x509userproxysubject = "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=guragain/CN=659508/CN=Samir
x509UserProxyVOName = "cms"
x509UserProxyFirstFQAN = "/cms/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL"
x509UserProxyFQAN = "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=guragain/CN=659508/CN=Samir Gur
x509userproxy = "/tmp/x509up_u507"
BLTaskID = "guragain_FIT_2010B_Oct22_c2d67b"
GlobalJobId = ""
ProcId = 0
AutoClusterId = 23
AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,Requirements,NiceUser,Concurrenc
DelegatedProxyExpiration = 1288361681
GridJobId = "gt2 https://uscms1.fltech-grid3."
NumGlobusSubmits = 1
GridJobStatus = "PENDING"
LastRemoteStatusUpdate = 1288361617
GlobusStatus = 0
RemoveReason = "via condor_rm (by user sguragai)"
LastHoldReason = "Globus error 131: the user proxy expired (job is still running)"
LastHoldReasonCode = 2
LastHoldReasonSubCode = 131
JobStatusOnRelease = 3
LastJobStatus = 3
JobStatus = 5
EnteredCurrentStatus = 1288368141
HoldReason = "Failed to initialize GAHP"
HoldReasonCode = 0
HoldReasonSubCode = 0
ReleaseReason = UNDEFINED
NumSystemHolds = 2
Managed = "Schedd"
CurrentStatusUnknown = TRUE
ServerTime = 1288795302
You say that the user is running the job locally. Something
doesn't make sense since the GAHP is only used for condor grid universe
gt2 type jobs. What's the output of condor_q -l of
the job in question? (particularly the universe, the type,
and the GridResource). Also is there anything in GridmanagerLog.<username>---if there were errors launching the GAHP
it would be in there.
Steve Timm
On Mon, 1 Nov 2010, Xenia Fave wrote:
Hi Steve,
I checked and the user has appropriate and up to date grid certificates.
Also our CRL certificates are all valid. He is running the jobs locally,
not submitting them to a remote site. Is there another way his certificates
could be causing the problem?
Thank you again,
Xenia Fave
System Administrator - FLTECH/T3_US_FIT
Experimental High Energy Physics
Florida Institute of Technology
On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 3:58 PM, Steven Timm <timm@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
That error happens when a user is trying to submit to a
remote grid site and does not have a grid (x509) credential.
Are you running a globus (gt2) gatekeeper or submitting to a remote site/
On Mon, 1 Nov 2010, Xenia Fave wrote:
Hi all,
One of our users is having trouble getting his jobs to run. Every time he
submits them they enter held mode with the error "Failed to initialize
GAHP". I would appreciate any advice. Is this a problem with his
configuration files or with our setup?
Thank you in advance,
Xenia Fave
System Administrator - FLTECH/T3_US_FIT
Experimental High Energy Physics
Florida Institute of Technology
Steven C. Timm, Ph.D (630) 840-8525
Fermilab Computing Division, Scientific Computing Facilities,
Grid Facilities Department, FermiGrid Services Group, Assistant Group
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Steven C. Timm, Ph.D (630) 840-8525
Fermilab Computing Division, Scientific Computing Facilities,
Grid Facilities Department, FermiGrid Services Group, Assistant Group Leader.
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