Dear all,
We invite you to participate in the 3rd workshop on Many-Task
Computing on Grids and Supercomputers (MTAGS10) on Monday, November
15th, 2010, co-located with IEEE/ACM Supercomputing 2010 in New
Orleans LA. MTAGS will provide the scientific community a dedicated
forum for presenting new research, development, and deployment
efforts of large-scale many-task computing (MTC) applications on
large scale clusters, Grids, Supercomputers, and Cloud Computing
A few highlights of the workshop:
- Workshop Program: The program can be found at; papers and
slides will be posted by November 15th, 2010
- Keynote speaker: Roger Barga, PhD, Architect, Extreme
Computing Group, Microsoft Research
- Best Paper Nominees:
- Timothy Armstrong, Mike Wilde, Daniel Katz, Zhao Zhang, Ian
Foster. "Scheduling Many-Task Workloads on Supercomputers:
Dealing with Trailing Tasks", 3rd IEEE Workshop on
Many-Task Computing on Grids and Supercomputers (MTAGS10) 2010
- Thomas Budnik, Brant Knudson, Mark Megerian, Sam Miller,
Mike Mundy, Will Stockdell. "Blue Gene/Q Resource
Management Architecture", 3rd IEEE Workshop on
Many-Task Computing on Grids and Supercomputers (MTAGS10) 2010
- Attendance Prize: There will be a free Apple
iPad giveaway at the end of the workshop; must
attend at least 1 talk throughout the day at the workshop, and
must be present to win at the end of the workshop at 6:15PM
The workshop program is:
- 9:00AM Opening Remarks
- 9:10AM Keynote: Data Laden Clouds, Roger Barga, PhD,
Architect, Extreme Computing Group, Microsoft Research
- Session 1: Applications
- 10:30AM Many Task Computing for Modeling the Fate of Oil
Discharged from the Deep Water Horizon Well Blowout
- 11:00AM Many-Task Applications in the Integrated Plasma
- 11:30AM Compute and data management strategies for grid
deployment of high throughput protein structure studies
- Session 2: Storage
- 1:30PM Processing Massive Sized Graphs Using
- 2:00PM Easy and Instantaneous Processing for
Data-Intensive Workflows
- 2:30PM Detecting Bottlenecks in Parallel DAG-based Data
Flow Programs
- Session 3: Resource Management
- 3:30PM Improving Many-Task Computing in Scientific
Workflows Using P2P Techniques
- 4:00PM Dynamic Task Scheduling for the Uintah Framework
- 4:30PM Automatic and Coordinated Job Recovery for High
Performance Computing
- Session 4: Best Papers Nominees
- 5:15PM Scheduling Many-Task Workloads on Supercomputers:
Dealing with Trailing Tasks
- 5:45PM Blue Gene/Q Resource Management Architecture
- 6:15PM Best Paper Award, Attendees Prizes, & Closing
We look forward to seeing you at the workshop in less than 2 weeks!
Ioan Raicu, Yong Zhao, and Ian Foster
MTAGS10 Chairs
Ioan Raicu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Computer Science Department
Illinois Institute of Technology
10 W. 31st Street
Stuart Building, Room 237D
Chicago, IL 60616
Cel: 1-847-722-0876
Office: 1-312-567-5704
Email: iraicu@xxxxxxxxxx