Hi Johnson, Thanks for your suggestion. Looks like to run VM Jobs needs VMWare Server 1.x (tried with
VMWare server 2.0 with no success) VMWare server 1.x need IIS, and installing IIS affects already
existing software on the student computing labs computer. So I couldn’t try your suggestion. Looks like latest 7.4.1
also not supporting VMware server 2.0 It would be great if someone sheds some light, how to make both
Host and Guest condor to run jobs if no one is using Host machine. And suspend job both on Host and Guest condor as soon as user starts
using Host machine. Thanks, Senthil From: Johnson koil Raj
[mailto:johnson.raj@xxxxxxxxx] Hi Senthil, Hi, I have condor installed on Quad Core Windows machine, so four jobs are
running fine using slots 1 to 4. Instead of running 4 windows jobs, I was trying to run 2 Windows jobs and 2
Linux jobs. So I am running Linux Virtual Machine with 2 CPU to run two Linux
jobs. How to configure in such a way that two jobs should run on Windows Host and
two jobs should run on Linux Guest OS, but as soon as the windows user try to
use windows machine, the jobs on both Windows and Linux OS should be suspended.
Right now I have configured VMP_HOST_MACHINE on Virtual machine and
VMP_VM_LIST on Host machine, the problem is if no one is using the machine,
only one job (either Linux or Windows job) is running, other slots changes to
Owner status. Please let me know. Thanks, Senthil From: Natarajan, Senthil Hi, I am having condor on Quad Core (windows OS) machine, so there are total of
4 jobs can run using slot1 to slot4. I installed VMWare server and running Linux Virtual Machine with 2 CPU , so
two jobs can run on Linux OS, and configured windows condor to run 2 jobs
(using NUM_CPU=2). And also configured VMP_HOST_MACHINE on Virtual machine and VMP_VM_LIST on
Host machine. Now maximum of only one job is running if no one is using Host
and Guest OS (other slots status changes to owner). It use to run max of 4 jobs
when I was using condor on just Windows Host OS. If you install Condor both on Host and inside VM and change
both HOST & VM, the START _expression_ for Host Startd will be set to
"START = FALSE" such that Host Startd will not accept Condor job any
more. And START _expression_ for VM Startd will remain unchanged. Could you please let me know how to configure START, SUSPEND, CONTINUE,
PREEMPT, so that if nobody is using Windows Host and it is idle, then I would
like two jobs to run on Windows and two jobs on Linux Virtual machine (i.e. all
slots on both Host and Guest OS should run jobs). As soon as someone starts
using Windows Host, then all the jobs (2 on Windows and 2 on Linux) should be
suspended. Just give a try to this method. I have following for START, SUSPEND, CONTINUE, PREEMPT. UWCS_START = ( (KeyboardIdle >
$(StartIdleTime)) \
&& ( HOST_KeyboardIdle > $(StartIdleTime)) \
&& ( $(CPUIdle) || \
(State != "Unclaimed" && State != "Owner")) \
&& ( $(HOST_CPUIdle) || \
(HOST_State != "Unclaimed" && HOST_State != "Owner"))
) UWCS_SUSPEND = ( $(KeyboardBusy) || \
( (CpuBusyTime > 2 * $(MINUTE)) \
&& $(ActivationTimer) > 90 ) || \
$(HOST_KeyboardBusy) || \
( (HOST_CpuBusyTime > 2 * $(MINUTE)) \
&& $(HOST_ActivationTimer) > 90 ) ) UWCS_CONTINUE = ( $(CPUIdle) && ($(ActivityTimer) > 10) \
&& (KeyboardIdle > $(ContinueIdleTime)) && \
$(HOST_CPUIdle) && (HOST_KeyboardIdle > $(ContinueIdleTime)) ) UWCS_PREEMPT = ( ((Activity == "Suspended") && \
($(ActivityTimer) > $(MaxSuspendTime))) \
|| (SUSPEND && (WANT_SUSPEND == False)) ) Please let me know Thanks, Senthil
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