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Re: [Condor-users] Accounting group
- Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2010 21:53:57 -0500
- From: Matthew Farrellee <matt@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Condor-users] Accounting group
You'd need a group per user. You could also use limits and have each submit have include concurrency_limits = username
On 03/03/2010 10:29 PM, Mag Gam wrote:
> Thanks for you reply Matt. At our site across campus we are doing
> something slightly different.
> We are trying to achieve this:
> Every user submits their jobs with:
> AccountingGroup = "group_phy.username"
> So, for example the user bsinger would have: +AccountingGroup =
> "group_phy.bsinger"
> I would like to place a quota of 500 slots for these user therefore I
> am doing this but it does not seem to work:
> GROUP_NAMES = group_phy
> GROUP_QUOTA_bsinger=500
> GROUP_QUOTA_dmorgan=500
> GROUP_QUOTA_ykartk=500
> Any thoughts?
> On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 9:27 AM, Matthew Farrellee <matt@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On 02/26/2010 04:02 PM, Mag Gam wrote:
>>> Thanks. Is it possible to force AccountingGroup in SUBMIT_EXPR?
>> Yes.
>>> For example,
>>> SUBMIT_EXPR = group_${{OWNER}}
>> No.
>> If you have a different machine or environment for each of your submitters you could do something like group_{OWNER}, but if you're trying to do that there's likely a better way. Users are already effectively in their own group. You might be trying to limit total # running jobs by a user, which can be done with limits. Or with MATCH_REQUIREMENTS, someday.
>> Best,
>> matt
>>> On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 1:38 PM, Douglas Clayton
>>> <dclayton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Mag,
>>>> See below:
>>>>> Do I have to setup an account group to enable quotas?
>>>> Yes, you have to enable accounting Groups via the GROUP_NAMES and
>>>> GROUP_QUOTA_* on the negotiator machine.
>>>>> Do I have to have that? or is there another mechanism?
>>>> Yes, you do.
>>>>> Also, without the +AccountingGroup in condor_userprio I see names on
>>>>> the left side. Are they considered accounting groups or something
>>>>> else?
>>>> I believe they are just users. It is also important to have the group.user
>>>> in your accounting group. See:
>>>> Hope that helps!
>>>> Doug
>>>> --
>>>> ===================================
>>>> Douglas Clayton
>>>> phone: 919.647.9648
>>>> Cycle Computing, LLC
>>>> Leader in Condor Grid Solutions
>>>> Enterprise Condor Support and Management Tools
>>>> On Feb 26, 2010, at 11:21 AM, Mag Gam wrote:
>>>> Do I have to setup an account group to enable quotas?
>>>> For example:
>>>> +AccountingGroup=engr_username
>>>> Do I have to have that? or is there another mechanism?
>>>> Also, without the +AccountingGroup in condor_userprio I see names on
>>>> the left side. Are they considered accounting groups or something
>>>> else?
>>>> TIA
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