On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 9:16 PM, Ian Chesal
<ian.chesal@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Specifically 7.2.2 but even a later version. Were you able to get it to run?
I'm using hooks, that might be the problem. It appears that once I hand off the job to run to Condor from my hook script everything dies.
I'm still gathering more information, but just wanted to do a quick check to see if anyone at all has gotten 7.2.x running on Windows 7. Even without hooks.
Thanks guys.
An update: I got it working. I'm still using a patched version of 7.2.2 that fixes the hook bug uncovered where the startd crashes with pipe close errors. And I've now got it working in Win7. Or rather, I should say, my admin did something to the Win7 machine so that my headless accounts we use to run jobs could mount the drives they need to mount at the outset of a job start.
All is well. Jobs are flying through it now.
On a side note: Condor team, I notice the bug report for the pipe error on Windows is marked resolved, but I can't see which release the change made it in to. Is it in 7.4.x? If so I'll download it and try it out.
- Ian