Dear all, I'm running Quill for couple of days now; found these error in log on the submit host: 12/13 10:59:44 ******** Start of Polling Job Queue Log ******** 12/13 10:59:44 JOB QUEUE POLLING RESULT: INIT 12/13 10:59:44 [SQL EXECUTION ERROR2] ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "11/26/2010 19:08:27 GMT" LINE 1: ...eSize) VALUES ('', 43752, '11/26/201... ^ HINT: Perhaps you need a different "datestyle" setting. 12/13 10:59:44 [SQL: INSERT INTO ClusterAds_Horizontal (scheddname, cluster_id, QDate, Owner, RemoteWallClockTime, RemoteUserCpu, JobUniverse, Cmd, JobPrio, ImageSize) VALUES ('', 43752, '11/26/2010 19:08:27 GMT', 'pltatl16', 0.000000, 0.000000, 5, '/home/pltatl16/.globus/.gass_cache/local/md5/31/25cdaa08f20acf080884b2696a1e64/md5/b1/2f96acf830f807d32e0e712d415129/dat a', 0, 47)] 12/13 10:59:44 JobQueueCollection::loadAd - ERROR [SQL] INSERT INTO ClusterAds_Horizontal (scheddname, cluster_id, QDate, Owner, RemoteWallClockTime, RemoteUserCpu, JobUniverse, Cmd, JobPrio, Image Size) VALUES ('', 43752, '11/26/2010 19:08:27 GMT', 'pltatl16', 0.000000, 0.000000, 5, '/home/pltatl16/.globus/.gass_cache/local/md5/31/25cdaa08f20acf080884b2696a1e64/md5/b1 /2f96acf830f807d32e0e712d415129/data', 0, 47) 12/13 10:59:44 >>>>>>>> Fail: Polling Job Queue Log <<<<<<<< 12/13 10:59:44 ******** Start of Polling Event Log ******** 12/13 10:59:44 [SQL EXECUTION ERROR2] ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "12/13/2010 00:00:04 GMT" LINE 1: ...bs_Horizontal_History SET EnteredCurrentStatus = ('12/13/201... ^ HINT: Perhaps you need a different "datestyle" setting. 12/13 10:59:44 [SQL: UPDATE Jobs_Horizontal_History SET EnteredCurrentStatus = ('12/13/2010 00:00:04 GMT') WHERE scheddname = '' and scheddbirthdate = 1290088364 and cluster _id = 174773 and proc_id = 0] 12/13 10:59:44 Executing Statement --- Error 12/13 10:59:44 sql = UPDATE Jobs_Horizontal_History SET EnteredCurrentStatus = ('12/13/2010 00:00:04 GMT') WHERE scheddname = '' and scheddbirthdate = 1290088364 and cluster _id = 174773 and proc_id = 0 12/13 10:59:44 [SQL EXECUTION ERROR2] ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "12/13/2010 10:59:44 GMT" LINE 1: ...schedd_sql.log.copy', '', '12/13/201... ^ HINT: Perhaps you need a different "datestyle" setting. 12/13 10:59:44 [SQL: INSERT INTO Error_Sqllogs (LogName, Host, LastModified, ErrorSql, LogBody, ErrorMessage) VALUES ('/home/condorr/log/schedd_sql.log.copy', '', '12/13/201 0 10:59:44 GMT', 'UPDATE Jobs_Horizontal_History SET EnteredCurrentStatus = (''12/13/2010 00:00:04 GMT'') WHERE scheddname = '''' and scheddbirthdate = 1290088364 and cluste r_id = 174773 and proc_id = 0', '', '')] 12/13 10:59:44 Executing Statement --- Error 12/13 10:59:44 sql = INSERT INTO Error_Sqllogs (LogName, Host, LastModified, ErrorSql, LogBody, ErrorMessage) VALUES ('/home/condorr/log/schedd_sql.log.copy', '', '12/13/201 0 10:59:44 GMT', 'UPDATE Jobs_Horizontal_History SET EnteredCurrentStatus = (''12/13/2010 00:00:04 GMT'') WHERE scheddname = '''' and scheddbirthdate = 1290088364 and cluste r_id = 174773 and proc_id = 0', '', '') 12/13 10:59:44 >>>>>>>> Fail: Polling Event Log <<<<<<<< 12/13 10:59:44 ******** Start of Polling XML Log ******** 12/13 10:59:44 ********* End of Polling XML Log ********* 12/13 10:59:44 ++++++++ Sending Quill ad to collector ++++++++ 12/13 10:59:44 ++++++++ Sent Quill ad to collector ++++++++ Does anyone know what am I doing wrong here? From the PostgreSQL docs, it doesn't accept the first value without an explicit datestyle setting for the current version. Does anyone know a fix? Cheers, Santanu |