Even after playing with this for a few weeks it's still not apparent why
the example:
FetchWorkDelay = ifThenElse(State == "Claimed" && Activity == "Idle", 0,
...is good. For me. Or anyone really.
That appears to call to the fetch work script every 5 minutes even if
the machine is the Owner state. And why you need to fetch work when
(Claimed, Idle) is not apparent. I had originally thought the startd set
itself as (Claimed, Idle) before calling the fetch work script, but
that's not what I'm seeing. I'm seeing (Unclaimed, Idle) when my fetch
work script is called. Why does this example expression from the docs do
something different with (Claimed, Idle)?
Until I know otherwise I'll assumed (Claimed, Idle) is special and
should be treated that way in my custom delay expression.
Here's my particular case: my fetch work script looks at State. If the
State is Claimed or Owner it never returns work for the startd to
consider. We never preempt. So there's no point calling the fetch work
script in certain states. Instead of never calling it, I'll just set it
to be called a longer interval.
So: Fetch work immediately if (Claimed, Idle), otherwise if (Unclaimed)
fetch work every 5 seconds, otherwise fetch work every 20 minutes.
FetchWorkDelay = ifThenElse(State == "Claimed" && Activity == "Idle", 0,
ifThenElse(State == "Unclaimed", 5, 1200))
Can someone familiar with the fetch work stuff evaluate the sanity of
this expression?
- Ian
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