Dear Nilson, We've emailed offline, but for the sake of everyone else, we've created a Sourceforge site for the project at Next week, we'll be posting a new version of our bootstrapping code and a sample installation using VirtualBox 3.0.0, which now supports SMP for multicore/multiprocessor systems. The Condor configuration now uses the CCB in Condor 7.3.x, which means the virtual machines can be installed using NAT networking, saving IP address space used by our earlier implementations. Craig On Jul 8, 2009, at 1:06 PM, Nilson Cain wrote: I saw a presentation from CondorWeek 2009 which details a project that starts a backgrounded Virtual Machine on a Windows system, in order to run the Linux version of Condor. This is the presentation: -- Craig A. Struble, Ph.D. | 369 Cudahy Hall | Marquette University Associate Professor of Computer Science | (414)288-3783 Director, Master of Bioinformatics Program | (414)288-5472 (fax) |