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[Condor-users] UK workshop: Central Computing Departments and Grid-Related services

Hi everyone -

This workshop is probably only of interest to the UK academic Condor community, but as I know lots of you are subscribed to this list, it seemed reasonable to post this here. This workshop is a follow-up to an earlier workshop (previously advertised on this list) held in Edinburgh, UK last year.
	Hope to see some of you at the workshop - if you want to attend, 
please let the organisers (cc'd) know ASAP; places are limited.  Workshop 
details below.
NOTE: please reply to all the organisers to register interest in this 
workshop; don't reply to the entire condor-users mailing list or just to 



Central Computing Departments and Grid-Related services - workshop 2

Friday 20th March 2009, 10:30 - 16:00

Venue: University College London (UCL)

This workshop will explore in more technical detail some of the issues
raised during the first workshop in this series, which was hosted by
the e-Science AHM in September 2008.

The workshop will include technical presentations and extended discussions as prompted by the presentations.
Specific objectives for the workshop include:
- fostering working relationships between institutions
- the identification of generic solutions to shared problems
- general knowledge sharing

The organisers would welcome offers of technical presentations that are directly relevant the issues discussed in workshop 1, including:
- scalable networking models for campus grids
- workflow models for campus grids
Please email the organisers: Clare Gryce, Jeremy Yates and Bruce Beckles (all cc'd) if you are willing to give a presentation.
To register your interest in attending this workshop, please also 
email the organisers, providing the following details:
- your name
- your email address
- your home institution
- your role/job title
- any specific topics of interest

Bruce Beckles (Cambridge)
Clare Gryce (UCL)
Jeremy Yates (UCL)


Bruce Beckles,
e-Science Specialist,
University of Cambridge Computing Service.