Hi Vladimir,We're considering an approach like this for our "Pools of Virtual Boxes" project (http://poolsofvirtualb.sourceforge.net) which was modeled after coLinux but uses VirtualBox as a hypervisor because of many advantages over coLinux (64-bit support, multiple CPU, very active development for VirtualBox). We have bootstrapping routines for building CentOS and Fedora based images, Windows services to monitor Windows usage and configure the virtual machine, and some enhancements to pre-package software for deployment.
You could probably accomplish some of this by first submitting a vanilla Windows job to launch coLinux on demand, and then creating some logic within the coLinux Condor to shut down coLinux after enough idle time (or other conditions). Using Hawkeye comes to mind. I believe some care is needed to make sure coLinux is launched with administrator privileges.
With VirtualBox, we're trying to integrate with the Condor virtual machine universe, which should provide some advantages for controlling the process of starting and stopping on demand. In practice though, having VirtualBox running a Linux image all the time hasn't caused problems, even in very busy student labs.
CraigP.S. coLinux should be detecting user presence. We were using this functionality before switching to VirtualBox (and it is implemented in our current releases, but is getting increasingly difficult to implement with each new version of Windows).
On Dec 14, 2009, at 11:26 AM, Vladimir Konrad wrote:
Hello,While in cardiff, I learnt that running condor under cooperative linux works well (this way, one gets linux environment under condor without having linux as main os on the computer.One draw-back is that the co-linux allocates memory while running, borrowing this from the host os (windows). Also, co-linux does not detect user presence (so the job cannot be evicted when user starts using machine again) - but this was solvedto have co-linux to run as idle process.Did anyone consider a 2 way approach - having condor client on natively on windows, this client starting co-linux on demand (1st layer), and then the jobs wouldrun under condor under co-linux (2nd layer).This way, the co-linux would only run on demand, being evicted/shut down whenuser starts using windows again.Any draw-backs with this approach (too much work to integrate, some show-stoppers and such)?Kind regards, Vladimir Konrad ------because it reverses the logical flow of conversation + it is hard to follow.why not?do not put a reply at the top of the message, please...Please access the attached hyperlink for an important electronic communications disclaimer: http://www.lse.ac.uk/collections/secretariat/legal/disclaimer.htm_______________________________________________ Condor-users mailing listTo unsubscribe, send a message to condor-users-request@xxxxxxxxxxx with asubject: Unsubscribe You can also unsubscribe by visiting https://lists.cs.wisc.edu/mailman/listinfo/condor-users The archives can be found at: https://lists.cs.wisc.edu/archive/condor-users/
-- Craig A. Struble, Ph.D. | 369 Cudahy Hall | Marquette University Associate Professor of Computer Science | (414)288-3783 Director, Master of Bioinformatics Program | (414)288-5472 (fax) http://www.mscs.mu.edu/~cstruble | craig.struble@xxxxxxxxxxxxx