Is this Debian Testing, aka Lenny? If it is, the dynamic binary packages
for Debian 4.0 (Etch) will not install; they depend on libssp which is
no longer available in Lenny (SSP is built into glibc now). The static
binary packages for Debian 4.0 do install on Lenny.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Prateek Agarwal wrote:
> I get this error when I try to install condor--
> Detected O/S 'Debian', installer 'APT'
> Condor requires '':
> I don't know what package will provide this library
> You need to find and install this package with your
> O/S package installer (APT)
> Try something like 'apt-get install' (as root)
> Please suggest some solution as I can/t proceed with the
> installation.Thnks in advance.
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